20 in 1 Robotics Learning Kit for Beginners
20 in 1 Arduino compatible Robot diy kit providing simple to complex robots experiments on a single platform. Various Robots can be built using this kit spanning from Wireless such as RF, Bluetooth, IR and automatic irrigation robots and many more.
Package Includes
- 2 x IR line tracking module
- 1 x HC05 bluetooth module
- 1x HC-SR04 ultrasound module
- 1x RF transmitter receiver module
- 1x LDR module
- 1x DHT11 sensor
- 1x Soil moisture senor
- 1x Compass sensor
- 2 x channel relay module
- 1 x buzzer
- 10 x led
- 1 x Arduino UNO with uploading cable
- 1 x L293d driver module
- 2 x BO motors
- 2 x Wheels
- 1 x Castor
- 1 x Robotic chasis
- 1 x 9V battery
- 1 x Battery cap
- Connecting jumper cables for easy plug and play connection.